Reduce Allergic Asthma Symptoms in 5 Days: Drink This Even Though it’s Yucky

Welcome to Day Three of the Reduce Allergic Asthma Symptoms in 5 Days Series.

Day Three

I’ve mentioned today’s new habit before, but I bet you haven’t tried it yet because it sounded so gross. And it *is* gross! But, here’s the thing: there’s absolutely no other habit that’s made a bigger difference in reducing my own allergic asthma symptoms. Not a one!

So, that’s why I push this particular habit so much–because it really, truly works for me.

Here’s what you do: heat one cup of water to warmer than room temperature (I heat mine in the microwave for about 45 seconds). Add two tablespoons of lemon juice. Drink it in the morning before you’ve eaten anything.

No sugar. No honey. No sweeteners of any kind.

Got it?

Drinking this every single morning has made a really big difference in my allergic asthma symptoms–I breathe much easier on the days when I drink it than the days that I don’t. Now granted, because it tastes yucky, I’m not especially good about having it every day, but now that my breathing difficulties are generally pretty mild (because of all my healthy habits), I find I can typically keep my symptoms at bay by drinking this every two-three days. I do drink it more often when pollen counts are high or when I’m under stress–both times when I am more likely to suffer an asthma attack.

And, of course, I do all of this with the full knowledge of my doctor and you must too!

You’ll want to drink this drink every day for at least one full month to see if it makes a difference in your allergic asthma symptoms, then once you’ve introduced other lung healthy habits, you might be able to get away with drinking it less like I do. But, in the beginning, with your doctor’s blessing, drink it every day. It actually has other health benefits as well including possibly helping to prepare your digestive system for the day, so it’s not just to help you breathe more easily.

That’s it for Day Three in the Reduce Allergic Asthma Symptoms in 5 Days Series. Make sure you return tomorrow to read (and complete) Day Four.

Here’s the complete list of habits:

Which one has been your favorite so far?


One Response to “Reduce Allergic Asthma Symptoms in 5 Days: Drink This Even Though it’s Yucky”

  1. Reduce Allergic Asthma Symptoms in 5 Days: Eat this every afternoon | Allergic Asthma Care on May 15th, 2009 7:17 am

    […] Day Three: Drink This Even Though It’s Yucky […]

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  • About

    Hiya! I'm Jess. I was diagnosed with allergy-induced asthma about two years ago.

    Since then, I've found that my asthma symptoms are a great barometer of just how well I'm taking care of myself. On days when I practice self care, I breathe easier than on days when I don't.

    Now that I've gotten a handle on my own symptoms I wanted to create a place where I could share what's worked for me and hear from *you* on what helps to treat your allergic asthma symptoms. Welcome to my site. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.