Spring allergies breathing troubles

Ugh. So it’s spring. Which means I can’t breathe because I have allergic asthma.

I hate spring.

Now, don’t get me wrong, it looks pretty while I’m indoors and the flowers and trees are spreading pollen like it’s going out of style. But the minute I go outside and see that yellow film on EVERYTHING, I want to scream. Or wheeze. Or both.

Today I wanted to talk with you about two things I’ve found that have made a huge difference for my spring allergy breathing troubles.

First, is something called Trauma Release (TRE for short). You can get the book on Amazon if you’re interested. Basically, this is a system for dealing with physical stress that would otherwise get locked inside your body.

That might seem like a strange thing to recommend on an allergy asthma site, but here’s why it’s  helped me: stress and asthma have a relationship. How much of one, and what that means, is disputed. But, it’s pretty much undeniable that there *is* a relationship between stress and breathing difficulties.

Our bodies have a habit of holding onto stress when it’s not released properly. That means that stress can build up inside our bodies. And it stands to reason that as that build up happens, it gets harder to breathe. So, releasing that stress in healthy, natural ways might just help our bodies to breathe easier all year long, but especially when our allergies are especially strong.

So, definitely check out TRE and see if it seems like something that might help you reduce your stress levels.

The other thing I wanted to talk about is dietary changes for reducing allergic asthma. If you’ve found foods that help reduce your breathing difficulties, make sure to bring more of them into your diet in the spring when your body may feel under attack by all that pollen. For me, that’s apples and lemon juice. How about you?

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  • About

    Hiya! I'm Jess. I was diagnosed with allergy-induced asthma about two years ago.

    Since then, I've found that my asthma symptoms are a great barometer of just how well I'm taking care of myself. On days when I practice self care, I breathe easier than on days when I don't.

    Now that I've gotten a handle on my own symptoms I wanted to create a place where I could share what's worked for me and hear from *you* on what helps to treat your allergic asthma symptoms. Welcome to my site. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.