Lung health and skin health

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It also absorbs just about everything–from your laundry detergent to the air around you to the water you shower in to the lotion you apply.

What’s intriguing, though, is the way these two organs (lungs and skin) are linked on some level. Sure, they’re both excretory organs, but one is completely hidden and the other entirely visible. It’s easy to see when your skin is unhealthy. Your lungs… obviously you can only see them on an xray.

Some homeopathic traditions believe that your skin condition is a direct result of your lung health and that as you breathe better, your skin will improve. I’m still reading up on this, and you might enjoy article on the relationship between lungs and skin health.

It’s well worth learning to breath better for no reason other than to breath better, of course. But, I certainly wouldn’t say “no thanks” to better skin!

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  • About

    Hiya! I'm Jess. I was diagnosed with allergy-induced asthma about two years ago.

    Since then, I've found that my asthma symptoms are a great barometer of just how well I'm taking care of myself. On days when I practice self care, I breathe easier than on days when I don't.

    Now that I've gotten a handle on my own symptoms I wanted to create a place where I could share what's worked for me and hear from *you* on what helps to treat your allergic asthma symptoms. Welcome to my site. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.