Using a Neti Pot to Relieve Allergic Asthma Symptoms

Though I’ve tried the Neti Pot, I admit, it’s one allergic asthma treatment that I just cannot bring myself to practice regularly. You’re sticking the tip of the pot up your nose, after all ;-). But, for people who aren’t completely grossed out by the idea, it is reported to be a genuinely effective treatment for relieving allergic asthma, especially during the Spring pollen season.

My personal take on treating allergic asthma is that you get to pick and choose the treatments you’re willing to do–I really don’t think that it helps heal breathing difficulties to force yourself to do something you really can’t stand. So, pick just five treatments that you enjoy (or are able to tolerate) and practice them regularly. If that’s not enough to keep your allergic asthma under control, sure, you may have to add something you find distasteful (like this yucky drink), but you should never feel like you have to add *everything* I present here at this site.

So, all of that said, if you’ve never tried a Neti Pot before, you probably should. If you have trouble with pollen, or with your sinuses, it can be a really effective treatment because it cleans out all the crud that gets trapped in your nose and sinuses. And I do actually use my Neti Pot under certain circumstances–when I’ve been outside in the pollen-filled fresh air all day, or when I’ve been cleaning an especially dusty house–and I find that where I would typically have severe allergic asthma symptoms following those activities without the Neti Pot, washing out my nose definitely reduces them. So, yeah, it’s probably worth it. Or would be, if it didn’t involve sticking something up my nose.

I do recommend you pick one up and use it when your sinuses are especially under siege. Or, like I said, if the idea doesn’t creep you out, you could even do it daily.

Now it’s your turn. What allergic asthma treatment is one you just *refuse* to do regularly, no matter how effective it might be for other people?


One Response to “Using a Neti Pot to Relieve Allergic Asthma Symptoms”

  1. KrisBelucci on June 2nd, 2009 11:16 am

    Hi, cool post. I have been wondering about this topic,so thanks for writing.

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  • About

    Hiya! I'm Jess. I was diagnosed with allergy-induced asthma about two years ago.

    Since then, I've found that my asthma symptoms are a great barometer of just how well I'm taking care of myself. On days when I practice self care, I breathe easier than on days when I don't.

    Now that I've gotten a handle on my own symptoms I wanted to create a place where I could share what's worked for me and hear from *you* on what helps to treat your allergic asthma symptoms. Welcome to my site. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.